Your security clearance doesn’t grant you any weapons, either. Most of the important personnel have been evacuated while the rest are already dead. Everything goes haywire after a system malfunction in the facility happens during an experiment with SCP-173-a statue that moves when not stared at and kills people-and now, you have to escape before any of the hostile SCPs find you and kill you. In this single-player game, you play as D-9341-a “Class-D” personnel who is an expendable test subject for SCP research. However, in SCP – Containment Breach, one facility goes into lockdown mode when these anomalies escape. There are thousands of SCPs under surveillance and the Foundation employs different types of jobs to keep everything in order. As such, Foundation facilities are hidden deep beneath the earth and the entire organization is governed by three strict rules or “strict containment procedures” that also make up its acronym: Secure, Contain, and Protect. The entire premise of the SCP Foundation hinges on the necessity to hide these SCPs. The website itself is known for its scientific and academic writing style that denotes various genres aside from horror, like science fiction and urban fantasy. This Foundation is tasked with locating and containing individuals, entities, locations, objects, and phenomena that defy the natural law-colloquially known as “SCPs.” Anomalous in nature, if they are left uncontained, they could pose a direct threat to humanity’s life and perception of reality. The SCP Foundation is an online community-based collaborative-fiction project that documents a fictional secret organization of the same name. Developed by Joonas “Regalis” Rikkonen, this action-packed first-person survival game is directly based on the fiction stories of the popular SCP Foundation website and is centered around its lore. SCP – Containment Breach is a free indie supernatural horror video game wherein you must survive and escape from a dangerous secret facility that’s been overrun by paranormal anomalies. Swati Mishra Updated 5 days ago Welcome to the SCP Foundation